Q&A with Tanya Roche and Tanya Cooper-McCloy

Tanya Roche and Tanya Cooper-McCloy.

Q. If you could spend 24 hours anywhere, any year, where would you choose?

Tanya Roche: Any 24 hours on my family’s North American Adventure in 2018. Every day was great!

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: Meeting our Granddaughter Maisie Lynette for the first time (07/08/2021)

Q. What’s something people may not know about you?

Tanya Roche: I hate Vegemite

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: I won’t eat Jelly or Custard

Q. How do you relax after a long day?

Tanya Roche: Talking about my day with my husband while cooking dinner

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: Glass of crisp dry white while cooking dinner

Q. What are you most grateful for?

Tanya Roche: I am most grateful for my family

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: My lovely life with my husband Peter

Q. What would your last meal on earth be?

Tanya Roche: Rib fillet & potato bake

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: King prawns& cold beer or Veuve Champagne

Q. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

Tanya Roche: Coffee… is life!

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: Coffee

Q. What are you currently reading and what’s the best book you’ve ever read?

Tanya Roche: Current book, The Dressmakers Secret. Best book Lonesome Dove

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: Currently reading Anna the Biography. Best book Almost French by Sarah Turnbull

Q. What is your favourite spot in our region?

Tanya Roche: The hills above Tannymorel. It is so beautiful & you can see for mile, it is an amazing view

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: Looking over Warwick in the evening from Mt. Tabor

Q. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Tanya Roche: Back yourself

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: Be happy (from Dad)

Q. Which six guests, dead or alive, would be invited to your ultimate dinner party?

Tanya Roche: Robin Williams, Patrick Swayze, Michelle Obama, Marilyn Munroe, Matthew McConaughey

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: Meryl Streep, Diane Keaton, Michelle Obama, Emma Thompson, Olivia Coleman, Isabelle Adjani

Q. What is your favourite movie?

Tanya Roche: Dirty Dancing

Tanya Cooper-McCloy: La Reine Margot – Producer Patrice Chereau