Comedic confusion at Little Theatre

Robert Channon, Vanessa Boulton, Catriona Davies, Jim Allen and Ben Beadel during a rehearsal of Artifice. Pictures: CONTRIBUTED

If you’re ready to laugh out loud at an unfolding comedy of confusion, art, theft, revenge and blackmail, plan your early June outings to include tickets to a theatrical farce of artistic proportions, Artifice.

Taking to the stage at the Stanthorpe Little Theatre on June 1, 2, 7 and 8, actors will do their best to keep the lid on various secrets which, if they emerge, could have disastrous consequences.

It’s the story of the missing, presumed dead, artist Payne Showers and the reactions of his not-very-grief-stricken widow and his not-very-faithful oldest friend and gallery manager. Then there’s an unscrupulous property tycoon, a ditsy maid, a ruthless lady newspaper proprietor, a mindlessly vain actor and a shady art expert. And of course the burning question is, what about poor, possibly dead, Payne? All will become clear – probably – during this hilarious show.

Artifice performances will be 7pm Saturday 1 June, matinee at 2pm Sunday 2 June, 7pm Friday 7 June and 7pm Saturday 8 June. Tickets can be booked at Booking is recommended as there will only be four performances.

There will also be an opportunity at the performances for audience members to view and bid in a silent auction for a number of paintings … possibly the work of the great artist Payne Showers (or possibly imitations). Proceeds will all go the Stanthorpe Little Theatre. Organisers assure prospective buyers that no warranties are offered about the provenance of any of these pieces.