Supporting local groups

Warwick Credit Union CEO Lewis von Stieglitz.

As the stress of cancelled events seems to be easing, Warwick Credit Union is as committed as ever to helping the community get back into the swing of things. By ensuring they are doing their part to support local organisations it assists groups in obtaining the resources they need to go ahead with activities which benefit the whole district.

Throughout 2020 the Credit Union recognised that although a majority of events were not able to go ahead, local organisations had fixed costs and were certain to face challenges as they entered into the New Year. For that reason it paid out most committed sponsorships even if an event was cancelled.

CEO Lewis von Stieglitz is excited to see the town flourish once more now that Warwick is beginning to see an increase in business and organisational activity.

“As a government-designated essential service, the Credit Union continued to operate throughout the pandemic.

“We count ourselves very lucky, and the commitment and dedication of our staff and key partners played a major role in ensuring we were able to continue on as normally as possible.

“We are grateful to and thank each and every individual and organisation – and we are eager to contribute positively to the community and help ensure locals can enjoy bigger and better events this year.

“After all the uncertainty brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, it is refreshing to see local events beginning to go ahead once more.”

While supporting the community as a whole is of significant importance to the Credit Union, they also put steps in place to ensure individual customers had the support they needed through difficult times – waiving telephone assisted transfer fees and spending extra time with customers new to the concept of online and card payments, including OSKO fast payments, Google and Apple pays and BPAY.

However Mr von Steiglitz assures customers that while online banking may be the safer way to bank during the pandemic, Credit Union branches and their friendly staff are here to stay.

“While some institutions are closing their branches and pushing customers to only use online channels, we are committed to a full service branch where you can speak to a real person.

“We still go by the philosophy that if we can offer outstanding customer service the customers will keep coming.

“Our outstanding service is our ‘point of difference” that gives us the edge in the highly competitive market in which we operate. This is a proven approach that we have long held.”