Letters to the Editor

Left Listless Over Lister

I read with interest the article “VAD passes without Lister”, in last weeks issue.

Even though he states that the majority of his constituents are for the bill, he still chose to vote against it, thereby ignoring the will of the majority. So much for democracy.

He knows full well that his duty is to support the majority, but instead adopts the arrogant attitude of “I’ll decide what’s best for you”. Something that is all too prevalent in politics these days.

Unfortunately, he is smug in the knowledge of having such a safe seat and not having to truly represent those of us in his electorate.

Peter Andrewartha, Stanthorpe

Dementia Australia Thanks Supporters

Thank you to all the community members, health care professionals and people impacted by dementia who marked Dementia Action Week 2021 from 20-26 September.

Across Australia, individuals and organisations supported our campaign, ‘A little support makes a big difference’. The campaign was to increase understanding about dementia and how we can all make a difference to the lives of people who are impacted and help to eliminate discrimination.

On behalf of the estimated 90,000 people living with dementia in Queensland, we thank everyone for their support.

For information and tips to find out how you can continue to make a difference please visit discrimination.dementia.org.au.

Maree McCabe AM, CEO Dementia Australia