Warwick Bridge Club…

This week's results.

By Neil Bonnell, Warwick Bridge Club

On Board 3 from last Monday all East/West pairs played in spades, brushing aside any South players who opened with a weak 2H. Only Jenny Smith and Jill Smith (E/W winners) succeeded in the par contract of 4S making eleven tricks. The two pairs who made ten tricks had mixed fortunes: one only bid as high as 3S and the other was pushed to 5H and failed by one trick.

Declarer (Jill sitting West) received the lead of the eight of clubs. This was inconvenient because it severed one link between hand and dummy. A careless play in trumps could have led to declarer having two losers in hearts, as well as the Queen of spades, with the location of the King of diamonds unknown. First the trumps have to be tested and on a low spade from Dummy (East) the Jack popped up. This raised the possibility of the trumps splitting 3-1 with North holding the Queen. A high spade beat the Jack and a small heart was led towards the Jack. Both North and South are now end-played well before the end. North could not resist rising with the Ace, but had no good continuation. On the lead of a spade North will not win a spade trick. A heart will give declarer the desired ruff in dummy. A diamond will give declarer a free finesse and annoy partner, while a club will give declarer the choice of discards from hand. In the end North won just the Ace of hearts and the Queen of spades, while South remained a spectator.

The next important event is the Individual Championship to be held on Friday, 15th October. For the first time this will be a one-day event, starting at 10.30 am.

Results: Monday, 20/09/21 (5-table Mitchell); N/S J. Rose D.Moran (63.7) 1; N. Bonnell T. Hinde (52.9) 2. E/W Jenny Smith Jill Smith (54.2) 1; C. Duggan N. McGinness (52.9) 2. Handicap: N/S No change E/W W.Milne J. Sipple 1; C. Duggan N. McGinness 2.

Friday, 24/09/21 (4 & ½-table Howell) T. Hinde B. Reid (64.6) 1; D. Moran H. Nielsen (62.5) 2; Jenny Smith (61.1) 3.