Sun shines on successful show

Cosgrove Family. Mum, Lauren won first place in open painting with her cottage painting'Cherrybrook at top. Son, James Cosgrove, first place under 12 collage, and son Marty, second place with turtle, under 12's.

By Lucy Waldron

The weekend’s festivities at the Killarney Show were met with enthusiasm and joy as attendees revelled in a plethora of activities, from thrilling rodeo spectacles to dangerous derbies.

Killarney Show and Rodeo Society president Jan Hamilton said the rain stayed away and it was a successful weekend.

“We had just a few light showers on Saturday morning, but that didn’t dampen spirits as the humid weather kept everyone warm,“ Jan said.

The event saw a remarkable turnout with a bustling ring featuring a display of quality horses and a multitude of nominations.

Jan expressed her satisfaction with the pavilion’s offerings, noting the full lego of cooking and the delightful aroma of the flower displays.

“Saturday night was a highlight with fantastic fireworks and an exhilarating bash-up derby.

The rodeo, a main attraction of the weekend, received overwhelming support with over 100 nominations.

The pet parade and the dog jump drew significant attention and engagement from attendees and Jan hinted at making them both a staple again in the future.

Looking ahead, Jan expressed plans to enhance future editions of the Killarney Show, with stewards already discussing improvements and innovations for the coming years.

As the weekend concluded, Jan extended her gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the event. She also invited attendees to upcoming events, including the Killarney Cutting Club Show and the Col Mundey Heart Foundation Day.