More community engagement

Southern Downs council candidate Marika McNichol. Picture: SUPPLIED

Personal Details

What is your:

Name? Marika McNichol

Age? N/A

Suburb of residence? Broadwater


How long have you lived in the Southern Downs?

52 years

When was the last time you lived away from the region and why?

Lived away from Stanthorpe from 1975 to 1979 for work.

Campaign General

What has prompted you to run for council?

To continue to put forward projects to the State and Federal Governments to upgrade our aging infrastructure for the community benefit.

What is your assessment of the current council?

My assessment of the current council is there is too much inhouse arguing and unacceptable behavior by some of the councillors.This needs to stop, so we can get on with council business of supporting and governing the region.

At this stage what is the main thing you offer:

Residents as a whole?

Persistence for getting good results for the community’s benefit.


Keep rate rises as low as possible to help reduce the cost of living.

Are there specific differences in approach for:

Particular suburbs/towns in the region?

No it’s all the same – everyone should be heard.

Rural landholders?

Have to deal with droughts ,floods and very difficult circumstances, and should be supported as much as possible for challenges they face on a daily basis.

What are some of the big issues currently facing the region and how do you propose to address them?

The biggest issue is water availability for the region, in times of severe drought. I would like to work on getting more water stored in the region,or expand on what we have.

If elected, how do you promise to generate real change which improves the livelihoods of residents living in the Southern Downs?

We need to support land developers, by reducing unnecessary red tape so they can get on the job and create land for housing in the region. More development is needed.

We also need to grow the economy. To prosper and create jobs, we need investment, growth and economic development.

Greater effort is needed by the council to promote the Southern Downs, as a vibrant tourism destination and an ideal location for rural-based businesses, light industry and high tech businesses such as data centres.

Important issues that affect the residents should be made for the people by the people, with more community engagement.