Study hub construction underway

Work begins on new regional university study hub. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

Work has started on the Southern Downs Regional Study Hub, the initiative aimed to provide regional students with greater access to tertiary education.

Once completed, the centre will boast state-of-the-art learning spaces, meeting rooms, advanced technology, and pastoral care services.

A member of the development committee and SCOTS PGC College Principal Kyle Thompson emphasised the centre’s role in easing the transition for students moving to higher education.

“The centre will create a much stronger pathway and improved support for the region’s students as they move into the tertiary education sector,” said Mr Thompson.

“This gives our region’s students, both school-leavers and mature-aged, a whole new option for higher education that does not necessarily involve leaving home.“

The project is a collaborative effort, with the Southern Downs Regional Council partnering with SDIEA, TAFE, local high schools, the Chambers of Commerce, and the not-for-profit Country University Centre group. Together, they secured funding from the Australian Government’s Department of Education.

Southern Downs Mayor Melissa Hamilton highlighted the council’s dedication to keeping students local while providing top-tier educational resources.

“We need more key workers in areas including health, education, and engineering. Often the cost of moving away from home is not affordable for everyone, and this initiative will give so many more people an accessible pathway to higher education,” said Mayor Hamilton.

“The funding from the Australian Government’s Department of Education will ensure that our students have access to the right resources to complete tertiary studies locally.“

Announced in late March, the funding marks a significant milestone, with grant agreements now finalised and funds available for use. The regional university study hub is expected to be fully operational by the start of the 2025 academic year, and the recruitment process for a Centre Manager is currently underway.

In line with the funding agreement, the centre has been established as a community-owned, not-for-profit, incorporated body, ensuring its long-term sustainability and community focus. This development promises to be a transformative step for the Southern Downs region, providing local students with invaluable opportunities to advance their education and careers.