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RSL Social Bowls Club

ANOTHER quiet Sunday of bowls was had with the sun shining and the birds flying around. Pairs was played with I Wright and E...

Tenterfield Veterans Golf

LAST Tuesday predicted thunderstorms and rain did not deter 32 veterans from teeing off in an Aggregate Stableford event at Tenterfield Golf. Bragging rights...

Southern Cross Bowls Club

SOCIAL bowls only was played at the Cross last Thursday but unfortunately no scorecard was made available for the results. Ladies there will be...

Warwick Bowls Club

NO competition games were played this week. The S/S fours is still open and play will start on or before Saturday 30 November. It was...

Southern Downs Rifle Club

SUNDAY 3 November found us on the 300-yard range on another day of wind and constant mirage changes keeping all shooters constantly assessing their...


NEXT Thursday is Red Rooster day at Warwick East Bowls Club and members and visitors should ensure teams are available with names by noon...

Warwick Bowls

A SEMI-FINAL game was played in the C/S pairs on Saturday between T Seaniger/ P Collis v B Black/ J Ruhle with Peter’s team...

Southern Downs Rifle Club

ON Sunday 28 October shooters were at the 600 yard range on what was another day where the wind conditions and mirage were very...

Warwick Bowls

THERE has been no further play in the C/S pairs, but the S/S fours are open for nominations which Phil says won’t close until...

Southern Cross Bowls

OUR visit from the Bribie Island RSL bowlers was a most enjoyable day, with 62 bowlers enjoying a morning on the green last Thursday....

Tenterfield Veteran Golfers

TUESDAY 15 October, 37 veterans played a single stableford event in fine sunny conditions. John Augustson returned to the winning list scoring 41 points...

Warwick East Bowls

LAST Tuesday, our club had a visit from the Bribie Island Social Bowls Club and an enjoyable lunch and afternoon of bowls was played....

Latest News

Cushions for a cause

Zonta Stanthorpe members stuffed and finished sewing 30 breast cushions. The breast cushion assembly is co-ordinated by Desleigh Volpato. These cushions together with Drainage Bags...