Homes and hotels for cod

Ken Martin manoeuvres the crane into position during the recent Enrich Program.


THE Warwick District Recreational Fish Stocking Association Inc recently completed its major structure program in conjunction with the Condamine Alliance and the Warwick Murray Cod Rehabilitation Reach. Forty wheelie bins, each weighing around 150kgs were placed in the Condamine River west of Warwick.

This latest operation takes the number of structures placed into the Condamine to 103, comprising 48 cement pipes, 40 wheelie bins, 13 200-litre drums and two fish hotels.
With the Murray Cod breeding during September, October and November, the program was structured for completion in early September to provide nesting places for the cod. It is hoped that cod numbers will now increase through natural breeding. An increase in cod numbers will not only benefit anglers long term, but should also reduce the numbers of pesky european carp. A 40cm cod will dine out on a 20cm euro-carp every day.
The project is part of the Enrich program which is aiming to increase native fish numbers to around 50 per cent of what they are estimated to have been prior to white settlement.
The Warwick club has also ordered 235,000 fingerlings which will be released during the upcoming stocking season between November and February.
The recent work was completed thanks to Andrew Lomas of Warwick Mobile Towers who loaned his crane to the club. There are only three of these cranes operating in Australia and Ken Martin (an employee) operated it expertly. Ken is also a committee member of the club. Ten members assisted on the day. The club also wishes to thank the many property owners who allowed entry to their properties to gain access to the river. The future of the fish population in the Condamine is looking much brighter.