Tenterfield Veteran Golfers

On Tuesday 21 January  extreme heat conditions on the day failed to deter 28 veterans from playing their weekly fixture.  Denis Hull excelled on the day recording 44 points to win the club trophy by a margin of 7 shots from runner up Bill Schultz, 37 points on a count-back. Denis, vets members are asking where the reversal of form came from? Well played & deserved.
Ball run down Ken Hines 37; Don Iedema & Brian Curry 36; Michael Manser 35 & John Augustson 34 on c/b. Best front nine Peter Mustoo 22; Best back nine Pam Brown 18; Mystery Hole No.12 all squared with 3 pointers & Captain’s draw June Williams. No pin shot recorded & special card draw won by Di Benson.  Tuesday 11 February will feature an Irish Fourball event. Time sheet available next Tuesday. Make up your team or place your name on sheet.
Good Golfing Veterans.