Birthing suite bid success

A WARWICK company will build the new birthing suite at Stanthorpe Hospital after winning the tender this week.
Member for Southern Downs Lawrence Springborg congratulated FBC Constructions from Warwick for winning the tender.
Mr Springborg said it was fantastic the tender went locally and he was looking forward to the final result, as indeed will many local women.
The refurbished birthing suites will include a birthing pool and will be a $1 million project. Mr Springborg said this was an example of community management working at its best.
“Mike Horan is doing a great job as board chair and the board is able to complete this project due to significant savings that has resulted in this healthy community dividend,” he said.
Mr Springborg said this great news was coupled with the hospital surpassing the national emergency access targets set for public hospitals across Australia.
The National Emergency Access Target, or NEAT, is a performance benchmark for public hospitals set under the National Partnership Agreement on Improving Public Hospital Services.
Under the target, Queensland public hospitals are currently aiming to have 77 per cent of patients who present to emergency departments admitted, discharged or transferred within four hours.
For the period 6 May 2013 to 3 December 2013, 97.6 per cent of patients who presented at the Stanthorpe Hospital emergency department were admitted, discharged or transferred within four hours.
“It reinforces to me that the team of doctors, nurses and staff at Stanthorpe hospital are doing a wonderful job and I applaud them for their efforts,” Mr Springborg said.