Pig control program expands

A PROGRAM to stamp out feral pigs in the Tenterfield region is being stepped up.
Granite Borders Landcare Committee received funding from Local Land Services last year to conduct a two-year co-ordinated, broadscale feral pig control program in the area.
Eighty-seven landholders participated in the program in 2013, and the committee expects that this year’s program, starting in May, will be even bigger.
Landholders who would like to undertake feral pig control will be provided with corn to free feed followed by 1080 poisoned corn.
Free feeding involves laying the corn out where there has been recent pig activity or known thoroughfares to entice the pigs to come to a central point for their free feed.
Once the pigs are comfortable with this arrangement, staff from the LLS (formerly known as LHPA) will then distribute corn that has 1080 poison added.
The aim of this project is to engage and establish a long-term network and program for feral pig control for landholders and land managers in the region.
The program starts at Mingoola on Thursday 1 May, 10am, at Wilshire and Co and 10am Friday 2 May at Granite Borders Landcare office.
Forms for participation are available at all local produce stores, LLS Office and Granite Borders Landcare Office. Landowners are encouraged to fill it out and fax back or bring to the corn pick up day. Everyone who wishes to be involved in this program must RSVP to Landcare by 28 April.
Anyone interested in joining in the program or would like further information, can contact Mandy Craig at Granite Borders Landcare on 02 6736 3500 between 9am-3pm weekdays.