Literary insight

Stephanie Dale.


ALWAYS had aspirations to write, but never knew where to start? Or perhaps you’ve penned a novel but haven’t been able to scale the publishing hurdle.
Well now Arts North West is offering Tenterfield Shire residents the chance to learn all they need to know with two literary workshops early next month.
Former journalist and published author Stephanie Dale will present both events on 5 August at the Tenterfield Community Hub.
The Publishing and Promotion for Writers workshop explores publishing options for writers, the art of pitching and promotions tips for attracting potential readers.
The Song of the Soul Writing workshop will provide motivation for people who long to cross the bridge between thinking about writing and doing it.
“It can take years to get a mainstream publishing deal,” the Write Road founder said.
“One alternative is to do it yourself and there are advantages and disadvantages to both pathways,” he said.
The Write Road is a creative initiative for the bush and the Outback that has two main aims – to encourage people in remote areas to tell their stories, and to share basic practical skills in writing, publishing, media and internet.
For more details or to book, phone Arts North West on (02) 6732 4988 or email