Are you at risk from floods?

RESIDENTS living in flood-prone areas of Stanthorpe and Killarney will soon receive a newly printed Flood Emergency Action Guide.
The guides will be hand delivered to properties identified in probable flood zones as well as mailed to landlords.
Southern Downs Regional Council developed the pamphlet after the devastating January 2013 floods.
“The guide is a comprehensive booklet with historical information, tips on how to prepare for flood events, descriptions of flood warnings, flood severity classifications and what to do before, during and after a flood,” mayor Peter Blundell said.
“Most importantly the guide contains a series of flood evacuation maps which show flood zone in a moderate and major flood.”
The Warwick guide, which was printed and distributed last year, will be sent out once again as a reminder to residents and to capture new tenants or owners.
The booklet is also available on council’s website at