Christopher braves scissors for Grandpa

Christopher McCosker, with his grandfather Alf Howard, prepare for the Year 7's World's Greatest Shave.

By Tania Phillips

SCOTS PGC College Year 7 student Christopher McCosker needs a hair cut.
Usually one for short hair, he is currently sporting a much longer “do” and hasn’t seen a barber or hairdresser since way before Christmas, but don’t worry it’s all for a good cause.
Christopher is about to take part in the Leukaemia Foundation’s Worlds Greatest Shave and will have his hair cut in front of the whole school at assembly on Friday 13 March.
By then, he hopes to have raised $1000 for the cause – a cause that is close to his heart.
His maternal grandfather Alf Howard has a rare blood cancer. His mother Cathy says her parents have been receiving amazing support from the Leukaemia Foundation during her father’s treatment which is ongoing.
If you would like to help, go to the Foundation’s Worlds Greatest Shave website and search for Christopher’s name. The school will also hold a casual Thursday the day before Christopher’s shave with all money going to the foundation.