Don’t mess with marriage

Letters to the Editor

THE US President has celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision to legalise ‘marriage equality’ by lighting up the White House with rainbow colours. Many world leaders have joined in the politically correct push to recognise ‘same-sex marriage’. Too many of our politicians are jumping on the bandwagon urging ‘equality’ and ‘tolerance’. Some feebly propose that if Ireland can change, so should Australia.
Sadly, even some church leaders are suggesting that we should go with the flow and marry those in a ‘loving relationship’.
The important question to be asked is “what is marriage and where and when did it come into being?” If it is a man-made institution then it could possibly be modified to suit changing circumstances and attitudes.
The truth is that our loving Heavenly Father, the Creator of all things, created Adam and Eve and united them in the covenant of marriage. They complemented each other – male and female – and as a result of this intimate, loving and deep union children would be conceived and born into a family relationship involving a father and mother.
Any sexual relationship, other than God’s institution of marriage between a man and a woman, cannot pretend or claim to be ‘marriage’. Vocal minorities and social experimenters must not be allowed to hijack the meaning and essence of ‘marriage’ which the Creator ordained. Some other name should be found to describe their relationships.
God has made it clear that any sexual relations outside of marriage (which is between a man and a woman) are breaking his law and purpose for mankind.
Jesus himself endorsed God’s institution of marriage and creation. He said “at the beginning the Creator made them male and female and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh’. So they are no longer two but one. Therefore what God has joined together let man not separate”.(Mt.19:4-6). He was very much aware of the Scripture where God says “I hate divorce”. (Mal.2:16).
Jesus further emphasised the sacredness of marriage and its lifelong intention. The purpose of God from the beginning was that marriage was for life. And Jesus added “I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery” (Mt.19:9). Sadly our selfish throw-away society which lacks commitment, marriage is devalued, families are demolished and children are left traumatised, insecure and confused.
Our loving God wants the best for his crowning creation – mankind – who were made in his image. If we give serious consideration to and accept God’s plan for our lives, we will truly be blessed. God wants us all to be forgiven, saved and become part of his family. That’s why he sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross as our substitute. He paid the penalty for our sins so that we could be forgiven and adopted as God’s children. There is no sin that God will not forgive if we truly repent and accept Christ as our Saviour.
What love! What a gift! What certainty for the future!
Peter Wiggins,

The real truth
THE “Damaging Debate” letter by Don McKechnie (Free Times August 13) was to put real truth into the Southern Downs Regional Councils performances. Debt on the never-never worries ratepayers who carefully live within their means, and cannot comprehend the business that is council living beyond theirs, because they can. Problems arising with such as the GrainX plant at Allora seems to be of no concern to council although it is clearly an industrial site. The council stated that “in a perfect world we would have the site moved to where it won’t affect anyone but for a number of reasons that can’t happen”, Why? This appears to be an industrial site situated in the midst of homes that no doubt are rated residential A. The very words of the mayor as stated above raised questions of the accuracy of the rating system. The recent purchase of a residence on acreage adjoining the industrial site will further complicate matters. This whole disastrous affair will take for ever to improve the living standards to a beleaguered community, and must cease operating until operators get the process correct, or be compelled to relocate.
Melba Morris,

Gay lobby
The Gay marriage debate is hotting up. Private Member’s Bills are being introduced into Parliament. PM Tony wants to have a plebiscite and Scott Morrison: a referendum on the issue.
We must give the gay lobby credit for the way they have advanced their cause over the decades; an activity a few short years ago, which was a criminal offence, to changing marriage laws allowing same-sexers to marry. There has never been, in modern times, an issue that has progressed so quickly, spearheaded by such a well-organised and funded minority.
The days of ‘coming out’ of the closet to the acceptance of same-sex marriage has been accomplished by propaganda and money, lavishly spent by the proponents of the gay lifestyle. Shouldn’t we be told who has been funding the gay movement? It would make for interesting reading.
PM Tony is attempting to hold the line against gay marriage, but he could lose the fight, and his premiership. The forces that are arrayed against his are determined to bring Australia in line with those western nations who have legislated for gay marriage.
Is it worth the expense to have a national vote on the matter?
Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin.