Snakes alive!

SOUTHERN Downs Regional Council is warning residents to be on the lookout for snakes, with a sighting on Monday of an eastern brown snake around Rotary Park, Stanthorpe.
Southern Downs Regional Council’s maintenance and open space works manager Chris Whitaker said the council received a report from a member of the public who saw an eastern brown snake in Rotary Park, near the Granite Street weir up towards Heritage Park.
“With the onset of the warmer weather, snakes are more likely to be out and about, so the council asks residents and visitors to be vigilant.
“Snakes are part and parcel of the Australian landscape, and usually prefer to retreat when encountered but, if they feel threatened, they can become defensive.
“If you encounter a snake, don’t panic. Back away to a safe distance and allow the snake to move away. Snakes often want to escape when disturbed.
“However, if you do see a snake in or around children’s playgrounds in the council’s parks, please keep well away from the snake and contact the council with details.
“In these instances, the council may contact a licensed snake catcher to try and locate and remove the snake,” Mr Whitaker said.
To report sightings of snakes in council park playgrounds, call on 1300 MY SDRC (1300 697 372) or submit details to the council via the MY SDRC app.