Auction bidders out in force


CAPTION: First light at the recent Allora Show Society auction at the showgrounds.

WITH more than 1600 items in place on the Allora Showgrounds, the auction day started with fine weather.
Then by about 10.30am the rain started, but it didn’t deter the crowd nor the hundreds of volunteers who manned the auction.
The 10 auctioneers, markers, runners and reserve helpers braved the elements with the more than 700 bidders and all the onlookers. No-one was deterred in their chase for a bargain.
The pencillers either stood under umbrellas held by another volunteer or added another layer of coats and placed plastic over the pencillers’ sheets.
The office staff always joke that they work in the best place when the weather turns bad and the canteen is generally very busier too.
Auctioneer Stuart Bond announced a minute’s silence at midday for respected citizens and auctioneer, Jim Leeson, who sadly passed away recently.
He said he was very pleased that everyone, including many who would not have known him, respected this tribute.
All profits will be donated back to the Allora Show Society and each organisation whose volunteers worked over the three days, cooked or helped with cleaning up. Some Warwick ladies also brought food in for the volunteers. Such a large undertaking could not happen without this assistance.
The committee of the Allora Show Society thank everyone who assisted in making their action day a huge success again.