Officer shares Kokoda tales

MEMBERS of the Rose City Warwick Probus Club enjoyed a special visit from Warwick Police officer Senior Constable Darren Black who recently returned from trekking the infamous Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea.
Darren provided Probus Club members with a brief outline of the World War II events regarding the military operations which resulted in the Australian Armed Forces fighting along the Kokoda Trail.
He related his experiences as he travelled along the track for eight days. He said some sections of the track were n a very poor condition and made the journey extremely difficult.
Darren said he was impressed with the friendliness of the local villagers and he praised the local porters who carried heavy back packs and gave assistance to the Australian walkers as needed.
Porters were working to raise money for such varied reasons as 14-year-old wanting to pay his way through high school, pay the balance of a dowry to in-laws and raisefunds to improve village facilitiesto encourage more tourism.
Two groups travelled from the north and two from the south, meeting at the Village of Kokoda for an Anzac Day Service.
Darren and the only two other uniformed officers had packed their uniforms and were surprised to find themselves “guests of honour” at the service for 200 people.
Darren was one of 11 policemen in a group of 16 representing Team Australia raising funds for the Variety Club of Australia.
Members had to also cover the costs of flights and expenses for the privilege of putting themselves through this incredible challenge.
Darren said he had a busy year preparing physically as well as fund-raising. He raised $9000 by cutting and delivering 50 loads of firewood last winter, completed extensive renovation work for his sister in Brisbane and acting as removalist for his parents.
All this was achieved while fulfilling his duties at the local Police Station and being a loving husband and father to seven children.
In preparation, Darren spent many hours spent tramping around the Killarney/ Emu Vale area with a heavy pack and even walking home from Warwick to get him into peak fitness for his trip.
At the end of the track the group visited the war graves and were impressed with the way they were maintained.
Darren inspired all present and shared many interesting photos of his trip with Probus Club members.