Ergon tackles line survey


ERGON Energy has announced it will begin surveying line route five this month as plans towards the construction of a secondary power line from Warwick to Stanthorpe continue.
After the Power Community Reference Group submitted its final report, recommending line route corridor “five”,
Ergon announced it will assess the route through internal decision-making processes and external approvals.
“In order to initiate Ergon’s internal decision-making process, an elementary survey of the line route corridor is planned to begin about the middle of August,” a spokesman for Ergon said.
“This survey is required to determine the constructability and suitability of a line route within the recommended corridor and will be among the information presented to the Network Investment Review Committee for its technical review.
“Ergon will continue to keep the community informed as we work through these stages, however, a time-line has not yet been finalised for each stage or the overall process.”
Community members with any questions during these stages can telephone community engagement manager Rubina Smith on 1800 067 929 or email

ERGON, a state-owned company, faces a four-stage process:

1. Internal decision-making:

  • A technical and regulatory review by the Network Investment Review Committee.
  • A financial review by the Investment Review Committee.
  • A final decision by the Board and Chief Executive.

2. If Ergon adopts the CRG recommendation, it will then commence line route selection within the recommended corridor, seeking feedback from landowners to influence the position of the line route.

3. Another regulatory test, as required by the Australian Energy Regulator, will be conducted that will invite and assess alternate options from interested parties.

4. The proposed line route will then be submitted to the Energy Minister for approval through the Community Infrastructure Designation process, which includes further opportunities for community input.