Coal seam gas is as natural as asbestos

Has anyone out there seen, heard or read the latest spin from the Coal Seam Gas industry? You know, those ads, filling the void, depicting their nice little plants happily co existing with green fields, and so on not forgetting to mention either, that it is a natural product, and part of our future?
I hope none of you believe this baloney, not to mention their statement that it is 70 per cent cleaner than coal. If any of you, undecided on this issue, want to see the real impact of CSG extraction and processing then hire the Gaslands DVD, and witness the impact of this horrendous process of environmental pillage on the USA. Even the Chinese now, seem to be worrying about the havoc it can reap upon the land and water supplies.
The images that should be aired with news about this industry should be hairless horses, barren land, fouled creek banks, water catching fire, and massive piles of salt, and pools of salt infected water.
Nobody in mainstream politics, whether it is left or right, seem to give a damn about the issue of the destruction of our land and water by this industry. They stand to make too much in royalties (and hence, cover up their other bad financial transactions), and we cannot forget the fact that a range of retirees from both political parties, now work in this filthy and evil industry. None of these people deserve to represent us any longer, and a future ballot paper for any level of government in this country, without broader options, outside the pre determined scam of ongoing CSG mining, is worth no more than a piece of toilet paper.
If it wasn’t for such clear, blatant greed you would almost think the relevant decision makers were certifiably insane, to be proposing now, that the refuse water be used for crops or to be put back into the natural water supply. If some of you were skeptical about the idea of recycled water in our drinking water, then try to get your head around the idea of filtration being able to remove such a huge range of nasties from these polluted pools including some radioactive matter, which comes up naturally, along with other dangerous substances.
Coal Seam Gas might be natural in origin just like other life threatening things: Asbestos, the Ebola virus, nuclear fallout, etc. The word ‘natural’ has never equated with ‘safe’. So, please do not be misled by the propaganda that both the government and the CSG industry want you to swallow. In the past, we were shown images of children being sprayed with DDT to prove it was safe, and likewise, the true facts about Asbestos were hidden for decades.  Coal Seam Gas is already a disaster overseas, and will destroy great areas in this country, unless preventative action is taken now.

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