Helping farmers be ‘finance ready’

Farm Debt Restructure Office Manager, Daniel Elder. PICTURE: CONTRIBUTED

Farmers are invited to boost their finance skills.

Primary producers have the opportunity to improve their financial literacy skills at an upcoming ‘Be Finance Ready’ workshop in Bundaberg on 18 October.

Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) and the Rural Financial Counselling Service Southern Queensland will be teaming up to host the free workshop to help producers boost their financial confidence when approaching their preferred lenders.

Farm Debt Restructure Office Manager Daniel Elder said this workshop would be a great opportunity for producers to access free support that will benefit them for the rest of their life whether it’s personal finance or applying for financial assistance for their business.

“The Be Finance Ready workshops are a great opportunity for producers to access free support around applying for finance.

“This workshop will help producers better understand the lender process and what they need to know before applying for financial assistance from their preferred lender,” he said.

The workshop will cover topics such as defining what ‘finance ready’ means, how lenders use your producer’s information and what options are available if things don’t work out.

Rural Financial Counsellor, Kath Clarke said knowing how to engage with a lender would help producers feel at ease when seeking financial assistance. 

“Approaching your preferred lender can be, at times, a daunting process. These workshops aim to help reduce that stress when seeking financial assistance by helping producers be as prepared as possible, so they know what to expect,” she said. 

Tickets are available by searching ‘Be Finance Ready’ on