Warwick Sporters rug up

The rain in the main held off but the Artic wind blowing across the Warwick Golf course made for conditions conducive only to the most avid Sporters.

Fifty golfers rugged up and teed off in the past week’s Sporters round sponsored by the Condamine Sports Club.

As a former police officer Terry Bennett obviously had good intel that the Police Legacy Game is just around the corner (August 3) and was busy fine tuning his game in preparation. His score of 38 points secured him the win after a countback with Brad Silver.

Also on 38 points were Don Stewart and Peter Gribbin who were relegated to a ball each in the run down along with Matt Penn and Dan Bowles (37), Keith Farrell (35) and Brett Sturgess (34on a countback).

Dan Bowles collect three balls at the 11th. Matt Penn two and Keith Farrell one ball. Evan Pfeffer had success at the 13th winning three balls, , Mark Simmonds two balls and Don Stewart the last ball.

Al Matthews was NTP at the fifth; Danny Lyons had success at the seventh; Brad Silver the ninth and Eddie Kemp landed the 16th.