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Your Letters

Religious ceremony

Why do the top echelon of the Christian religion, all dress up like pompous clowns. Example the big dunce’s hat, flowing robes adorned with...

Hazard increase

I would like to comment on the letter written by W Hamilton from Legume in Freetimes 18/10/12. I agree the permit system in a...

Use UNSC for Tibet

Now Australia has a seat on the Security Council, the Australian delegation should use its position to stand up for the oppressed people...

Lost their way

I regret to say that the way the Labor Party has changed directions away from the needs of the Australian working class and pensioners,...

Health funding

Barry O’Farrell’s recent comments on health funding in NSW are a smokescreen to cover for the $3 billion in savage cuts he has inflicted...

Mother Nature

Could anyone please explain the ungrammatical use of the above moniker. So much concern about political correctness, while this gross breach of grammatical correctness...

Veterans helping each other leads to better health for all

Australia’s veterans are a diverse group of men and women, linked by their service to this country. Similarly their health needs, particularly as they...

A peak de-amalgamation body

Shire councils give govern-ment closer to the people, doing for regions what the State can’t. Much work benefits the entire State, so Grants and...


What an amazing week we have had, with the distortions and misinformation agenda of the climate sceptics. First we have the umpire sending Alan...

UN waste

Julia Gillard has just spent twenty-five million dollars campaigning for an Australian seat on the United Nations’ Security Council. This will compel us to...

Fire permits

It is my contention that Fire Permits are the cause of very little hazard reduction of fires in country areas of NSW. They simply...

How can it work?

It seems to me that Mr Christafulli is of the same mind as the recent Labor government. Namely, that democracy is OK as long...

A snapshot of February

Bang, bang, bang, I heard. The new tractor (secondhand new) had arrived only yesterday and Richie was eager to try out his new...