
Fine wine time

FOR the second year in a row, Robert Channon Wines have won the Provenance Trophy at the Queensland Wine Awards for their reserve chardonnays. This...

Artists shine

THE Willow Gallery at Killarney hosted a retrospective exhibition of paintings by local artist Jane Durand at the weekend. The exhibition was opened by Nancy...

Seniors Week open day

By JONATHON HOWARD WARWICK Senior Citizens are inviting local seniors to attend a seniors open day on Tuesday, 17 September. The open day will take place...

Orienteers belting along

MORE than 100 eager orienteers were expected to compete at two State events being held on the Granite Belt this weekend. With the national Championships...

Dominic follows his own beat

By JONATHON HOWARD TALENTED drum major and SCOTS PGC College student, Dominic Andersen-Strudwick, is on track towards becoming one of the world’s best drum majors. Dominic...

Latest News

Letter: Time to move on?

As a local to Warwick and a home owner in our region for 28 years, I wonder if it is time to move on. A...

A no brainer